
Nickel news, views, commentary and insights

MAY 03 - 2024

Nickel industry - Part 1 - Processing nickel laterites and sulfides

Let's dive into this new series of articles on sustainability, treatment processes and innovations in nickel production, starting with nickel ores.

MARCH 08 - 2023

How nickel makes electric vehicle batteries better!

Electric vehicles are quickly becoming more commonplace as automakers introduce new models designed to appeal to a wider range of consumers. One thing they all have in common is a battery, most of which use nickel. Here’s the scoop on why nickel is used in EV batteries and what it’s like driving with one in an electric vehicle.

JULY 28 - 2022

Building codes - Setting high standards for structural stainless steel

The sudden failure of a building or bridge is mercifully a rare event, thanks largely to international or national standards: structures are designed in accordance with a design standard, using products conforming to a product standard and manufactured using techniques and to a quality level defined in a construction standard.

FEBRUARY 23 - 2022

Safe in the knowledge: Guide for the protection of nickel workers updated

The 4th update of the Nickel Institute’s Safe use of Nickel in the Workplace has been published. It has been revised to help companies using nickel keep up with the latest health and environment knowledge of this resource element which is important for a wide range of applications.

MARCH 23 - 2021

Historic Monel: the alloy that time forgot

James E. Churchill believes that telling the history of Monel and renewing the scientific data will empower conservators to educate and preserve key metallurgical heritage.