
Nickel news, views, commentary and insights

MAY 22 - 2024

Three steps towards ESG assurance for the nickel value chain

Dr. Veronique Steukers sets out three principles which will allow companies to manage and measure ESG impacts and engage on a path to improvement.

JANUARY 31 - 2024

Why should policy makers care about nickel?

As much of the world heads to the polls this year, Veronique Steukers explains why newly elected lawmakers should care about nickel and why they should consider three policy asks.

APRIL 10 - 2023

The power of green hydrogen, using nickel-containing stainless steel

Green hydrogen has almost unlimited potential as a replacement for fossil fuels and will be an essential contributor to getting to net-zero. Nickel-containing stainless steel is a sustainable companion on the path to a climate neutral future.

JULY 28 - 2022

Building codes - Setting high standards for structural stainless steel

The sudden failure of a building or bridge is mercifully a rare event, thanks largely to international or national standards: structures are designed in accordance with a design standard, using products conforming to a product standard and manufactured using techniques and to a quality level defined in a construction standard.

MARCH 23 - 2021

Historic Monel: the alloy that time forgot

James E. Churchill believes that telling the history of Monel and renewing the scientific data will empower conservators to educate and preserve key metallurgical heritage.

NOVEMBER 13 - 2020

The Metals Gateway - the 'one stop shop' for anything you ever wanted to know about metals

Everyone is confronted with metals on a daily basis. Just look around you in the kitchen where appliances and cutlery are often made out of nickel-containing stainless steel. Your car or bicycle, whether electrical or not, won’t exist if it weren’t for all the metals that build the frame or the battery to make it faster, cleaner, safer.