Human Health Publications

2024. Buxton S, Verpaele S, Oller A. Nickel and Its Compounds. In: E Bingham, B Cohrssen, CH Powell (eds.), Patty’s Toxicology, 7th ed, Vol. 2, Part 3, Chapter 49, pp. 755-783. Wiley.

2024. Li W, Zhou J, Boon D, Fan T, Anneser E, Goodman JE, Prueitt RL. Nickel in ambient particulate matter and respiratory or cardiovascular outcomes: A critical review. Environmental Pollution 347: 123442.

2024. Lyons-Darden T, Heim KE, Han L, Haines L, Sayes CM, Oller AR. Bioaccessibility of metallic nickel and nickel oxide nanoparticles in four simulated biological fluids. Nanomaterials 14(10): 877.

2023. Lyons-Darden T, Blum JL, Schooley Mw, Ellis M, Durando J, Merrill D, Oller AR. An assessment of the oral and inhalation acute toxicity of nickel oxide nanoparticles in rats. Nanomaterials 13(2): 261.

2023. Oller AR, Buxton S, March TH, Benson JM. Comparative pulmonary and genotoxic responses to inhaled nickel subsulfide and nickel sulfate in F344 rats. Journal of Applied Toxicology 43(5): 734-751.

2022. Kimber I, Basketter D. Allergic sensitization to nickel and implanted metal devices: A perspective. Dermatitis 33(6): 396-404.

2022. Taxel P, Huuskonen P. Toxicity assessment and health hazard classification of stainless steels. Regulatory and Pharmacology 133: 105227.

2022. Verougstraete V, Danzeisen R, Viegas V, Marsh P, Oller A. A tiered approach to investigate the inhalation toxicity of cobalt substances. Tier 1: Bioaccessibility testing. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 129: 105124.

2021. Basketter D. Nickel: Intrinsic skin sensitization potency and relation to prevalence of contact allergy. Dermatitis 32(2): 71-77

2021. Buxton S, Taylor MD, Weinberg JT, Randazzo JM, Peachee VL; Oller A. A T-dependent antibody response evaluation in CD-1 mice after an acute whole-body inhalation exposure to nickel (II) chloride hexahydrate. Journal of Immunology 18(1): 144-153.

2021. Dutton MD, Thorn R, Lau W, Vasiluk L, Hale B. Gastric bioaccessibility is a conservative measure of nickel bioavailability after oral exposure: Evidence from Ni-contaminated soil, pure Ni substances and Ni alloys. Environ Pollut 268(Pt A): 115830

2021. More SL, Kovochich M, Lyons-Darden T, Taylor M, Schulte AM, Madl AK. Review and evaluation of the potential health effects of oxidic nickel nanoparticles. Nanomaterials 11(3): 642.

2020. Buxton S, Vogesb Y, Donathb C, Oller A. Gene (HPRT) and chromosomal (MN) mutations of nickel metal powder inV79 Chinese hamster cells. Mutat Res Fund Mol Mech Mutagen 819-820: 111688.

2020. Delbeke K, Baken S, Perez Simbor L, Rodriguez PH, Brouwers T, Verougstraete V, Binks S, Oller A, Danzeisen R, Gilles M. Copper alloys’ metal migration and bioaccessibility in saliva and gastric fluid. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 117: 104754. 

2020. Heim KE, Danzeisen R, Verougstraete V, Gaidou F, Brouwers T, Oller AR. Bioaccessibility of nickel and cobalt in synthetic gastric and lung fluids and its potential use in alloy classification. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 110: 104549.

2020. Prueitt RL, Li W, Chang Y-C, Boffetta P, Goodman JE. Systematic review of the potential respiratory carcinogenicity of metallic nickel in humans. Critical Reviews in Toxicology 50(7): 605-639.

2019. Buxton S, Garman E, Heim KE, Lyons-Darden T, Schlekat CE, Taylor MD, Oller AR. Concise review of nickel human health toxicology and ecotoxicology. Inorganics 7(7): 89.

2019. Warshaw EM, Zhang AJ, DeKoven JG, Maibach HI, Belsito DV, Sasseville D, Fowler JF Jr, Fransway AF, Mathias T, Pratt MD, Marks JG Jr, Zug KA, Zirwas MJ, Taylor JS, DeLeo VA. Epidemiology of nickel sensitivity: Retrospective cross-sectional analysis of North American Contact Dermatitis Group data 1994-2014. J Am Acad Dermatol 80(3): 701-713.

2018. Heim K, Basketter D. Chapter 5. Metal Exposure Regulations and Their Effect on Allergy Prevention. In Metal Allergy: From Dermatitis to Implant and Device Failure. Editors: Chen JK and Thyssen JP. Springer International Publishing. pp. 39-54.

2018. Lombaert N, Mackie C, Verougstraete V, Brouwers T, Van Assche F, Oller A. Use of bioelution as a screening tool for characterization of substances. Am J Analytical Chemistry 9: 134-149.

2018. Nixon RL, Higgins CL, Maor D, Rajgopal BH, Lalji A, Heim KE. Does clinical testing support the current guidance definition of prolonged contact for nickel allergy? Contact Dermatitis 79(6): 356-364.

2018. Warshaw EM, Aschenbeck KA, DeKoven JG, Maibach HI, Taylor JS, Sasseville D, Belsito DV, Fowler JF Jr, Zug KA, Zirwas MJ, Fransway AF, DeLeo VA, Marks JG Jr, Pratt MD, Mathias T. Epidemiology of pediatric nickel sensitivity: Retrospective review of North American Contact Dermatitis Group (NACDG) data 1994-2014. J Am Acad Dermatol 79(4): 664-671.

2017. Efremenko A, Campbell Jr JL, Dodd DE, Oller AR, Clewell HK. Time- and concentration-dependent genomic responses of the rat airway to inhaled nickel sulfate. Environ Mol Mutagen. 58(8): 607-618.

2017. Haber LT, Bates HK, Allen BC, Vincent MJ, Oller AR. Derivation of an oral toxicity reference value for nickel. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 87(Suppl 1) S1-S18. 

2017. Verougstraete V, Danzeisen R, Bruzlaff A, Oller A, Heim K, Vetter D, Müller C, Battersby RV, Oorts K, Lison D. Mechanisms underlying toxicity of complex inorganic materials. Book Chapter. Risk Management of Complex Inorganic Materials. A practical guide. Edited by V. Verougstraete. Elsevier Inc.

2017. Verougstraete V, Henderson R, Mackie C, Newson T, Oller A. Human health (toxicity) assessment of complex inorganic materials. Book Chapter. Risk Management of Complex Inorganic Materials. A practical guide. Edited by V. Verougstraete. Elsevier Inc.

2017. Warshaw EM, Aschenbeck KA, DeKoven JG, Maibach HI, Taylor JS, Sasseville D, Belsito DV, Fowler JF Jr, Zug KA, Zirwas MJ, Fransway AF, DeLeo VA, Marks JG Jr, Pratt MD, Mathias T. Piercing and Metal Sensitivity: Extended Analysis of the North American Contact Dermatitis Group Data, 2007-2014. Dermatitis 28(6): 333-341.

2016. Nickel Institute. Workshop on Nickel Dermatitis. Chicago, Illinois, June 2016. Meeting report. pp 2. 

2016. Oller AR, Oberdörster G. Incorporation of dosimetry in the derivation of reference concentrations for ambient or workplace air: a conceptual approach. J Aerosol Science 99: 40-45.

2015. Buekers J, De Brouwere K, Lefebvre W, Willems H, Vandenbroele M, Van Sprang P, Eliat-Eliat M, Hicks K, Schlekat CE, Oller AR. Assessment of human exposure to environmental sources of nickel in Europe: Inhalation exposure. Science of the Total Environment 521-522: 359-371.

2014. Efremenko A, Campbell Jr JL, Dodd DE, Oller AR, Clewell HK. Time- and concentration-dependent genomic responses of the rat airway to inhaled nickel subsulfide. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 279(3): 441-454.

2014. Gray DL, Wallace LA, Brinkman MC, Buehler SS, La Londe C. Respiratory and Cardiovascular Effects of Metals in Ambient Particulate Matter: A Critical Review. In: Whitacre D (eds). Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 234, Chapter 3, Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10638-0_3.

2014. Henderson RG, Verougstraete V, Anderson K, Arbildua JJ, Thomas O Brock, Brouwers T, Cappellini D, Delbeke K, Herting G, Hixon G, Odnevall Wallinder I, Rodriquez PH, Van Assche F, Wilrich P, Oller AR. Inter-laboratory Validation of Bioaccessibility Testing for Metals. Regul Toxicol and Pharmacol 70(1): 170-181.

2014. Oller AR, Oberdörster G, Seilkop S. Derivation of PM10 size-selected human equivalent concentrations of inhaled nickel based on cancer and non-cancer effects in the respiratory tract. Inhal Toxicol 26(9): 559-578.

2012. De Brouwere K,  Buekers J,  Cornelis C, Schlekat CE, Oller, AR. Assessment of indirect human exposure to environmental sources of nickel: Oral exposure and risk characterization for systemic effects. STOTEN 419: 25-36.

2012. Henderson RG, Durando J, Oller AR, Merkel DJ, Marone PA, Bates HK. Acute Oral Toxicity of Nickel Compounds. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol (62) 425-432.

2012. Henderson RG, Cappellini D, Seilkop SK, Bates HK, Oller AR. Oral Bioaccessibility Testing and Read-Across Hazard Assessment of Nickel Compounds. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 63(1) 20–28.

2011. Goodman, JE, Prueitt RL, Thakali S, Oller AR. The Nickel Ion Bioavailability Model of the Carcinogenic Potential of Nickel-Containing Substances in the Lung. Crit Reviews in Toxicol 41(2): 142-174.

Below are two separate reports to evaluate the potential effects of nickel sulfate hexahydrate when administered orally to rats over the course of one and two generations.

SLI (Springborn Laboratories Inc.), 2000a. A One-generation Reproduction Rangefinding Study in Rats with Nickel Sulfate Hexahydrate. Springborn Laboratories Inc., Spencerville. SLI Study No. 3472.3.

SLI (Springborn Laboratories Inc.), 2000b. An Oral (Gavage) Two-generation Reproduction Toxicity Study in Sprague-Dawley Rats with Nickel Sulfate Hexahydrate. Final Report. Springborn Laboratories Inc., Spencerville. SLI Study No. 3472.4.

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