Position papers

Nickel in batteries policy

Nickel is contained in existing, well established battery technologies (e.g. in portable devices or in emergency systems).

Nickel also plays a critical role in emerging battery technologies for electrical vehicles where it is used as cathode material in NMC or NCA batteries, the main technologies applied in electrical vehicles (EVs). Nickel provides an economic incentive for the recycling of batteries in general. And thanks to their longevity, possible second life and recyclability, nickel-containing EV batteries contribute to a circular economy.


The major advantage of using nickel in batteries is that it helps deliver higher energy density and greater storage capacity at a lower cost. Further advances in nickel-containing battery technology mean it is set for an increasing role in energy storage systems, helping make the cost of each kWh of battery storage more competitive. It is making energy production from intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar replace fossil fuels more viable.


Legislation on batteries exists in many jurisdictions globally. In Europe, the existing battery directive dates to 2006. Overall aim at the time was to minimize the impacts of batteries and accumulators on the environment. As batteries are of high relevance to transform the EU into a modern, resource efficient and competitive economy, the European Commission released end of 2020 a proposal for a new battery regulation. The proposal covers all steps of the battery value chain, including raw materials sourcing, the battery performance during production and use, and the management at the end of life. It aims at addressing potential societal and environmental risk which currently are not covered by EU legislation, to improve the functioning of recycling markets and to close material loops and to create incentives to invest in production capacity for sustainable batteries.


The Nickel Institute’s member companies provide raw materials for battery technologies and recycle those once they reach the end of the life. They therefore play - and will continue to play - an essential role in the EU and global battery value chain.
Read our position paper on the European Commission’s Proposed EU Batteries Regulation


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